Nurturing the Flame:

How to Carry on Your Mission from Generation to Generation

Nurturing the Flame is a unique guide that presents a side-by-side comparison of modern business concepts and Jesus’ methods in setting up the Catholic Church for success in perpetuity. The rock on which Christ built his Church is holding steady two millennia after the fact.

Consider the notion that business and spiritual principles should become intimately acquainted. Learn what the tried-and-true succession through Jesus can mean for you and your organization.

In Nurturing the Flame, Teri delivers a profound framework for succession management. Her groundbreaking 10-step method for succession disrupts theories that transitioning a business or organization is solely about business valuation and buy-sell agreements.

Do you have a transition plan in place to ensure your organization will stand the test of time?

Get Your Copy Today

Nurturing the Flame will help you transition your organization and transform your life.

"Jesus and the 2000 year strength of His Body, the Church. This is an outstanding contemporary integration of faith and business that is so very needed today!"

Fr. Gabriel Anderson
Pastor, St. Columbkille Catholic Church

"I thoroughly enjoyed this unique and exceptionally creative book. Teri has generated a wise and helpful resource for leaders, particularly those facing the thorny issue of management succession."

Dr. Allen Hunt
Best-Selling Author and Senior Advisor at Dynamic Catholic

"Selecting, developing and promoting the right people is mission critical to the long term success of any company, regardless of size.  In 'Nurturing the Flame', Teri draws on her extensive experience in corporate coaching to illustrate the similarities of effective succession planning to the methods Jesus employed to select his Apostles and build his Church.  Thoughtful and insightful."

Daniel Marr
President, North America Sales (Ret) Coca Cola Enterprises, Inc.

About the Author


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